The Long and Winding Road
The eagle has landed! After a few days of traveling, I’ve finally made it to Valparaiso, Chile, the first stop on my trip.
I have several boring pictures of buses, train stations, a flooring project I helped with on the way and some sushi, but this is the picture I chose for today. This is a view from the plane looking toward Chile over the Pacific Ocean. a few hours before landing. Despite the executive first class seats, I think I might have slept for an hour, so it is very nice to be in a hotel bed at the moment typing this before I have a really long nap. The buses and taxis and aeropuerto were very easy to navigate and my ride through Santiago from the aeropuerto to the terminal de ómnibuses was very nice in an SUV, and gave me a first glance of what seems to be a very pretty and picturesque city of 17 million.
Wonderful travelogue, Pedro.