Today was mostly a travel day. It started off in the wee hours of the morning with a taxi to the El Alto Airport (4000 m altitude). As you may know, the airlines like you to get to the airport very early for international flights, so you can sit in the crowded waiting room for several hours. Anyway, my flight consisted of a segment to Lima, Peru where I did a little window shopping in the airport, then it was off to Buenos Aires in another segment. Now that I’m an old hack at the BA airport, I breezed through the check out procedure, bought a ticket on the Tienda Leon shuttle to downtown (and took the bus), and walked over to my hotel which was quite far from the bus drop off. If I do this again, I’ll know to find a hotel near the bus drop off which is also close to the ferry terminal (necessary for tomorrow).
I found a lovely restaurant that was suggested by the hotel clerk, returned to the hotel and had a good night’s sleep.